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Emergency Dental Care: What to do if Your Tooth Falls Out

Accidents are unavoidable and can occur anywhere. Take the case of a college setting, for example. With a bustling student population biking, riding scooters, rushing to classes with heavy backpacks, and participating in contact sports, maxillofacial trauma, and dental emergencies are bound to occur. Thus, it’s good to be aware of what to do in such situations. Acting swiftly and contacting your emergency dentist in Palo Alto increases the chances of saving the tooth and minimizing potential long-term damage.

My tooth fell out: What should I do?

Losing a tooth is a common occurrence. The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) estimates that roughly 178 million Americans are missing at least one permanent tooth. With such a large number of people in this situation, it’s critical to learn what to do if you lose a tooth.

  1. Handle the tooth with care: Handle the fallen tooth delicately and avoid any contact with the root area. The periodontal ligaments (tiny fibers attached to the root) play a vital role in successful reattachment. Touching or damaging these fibers can significantly decrease the chances of successful re-implantation.
  2. Rinse away debris: Use lukewarm water or milk to rinse any visible dirt or debris from the fallen tooth. Don’t scrub or use any cleaning agents, as they can harm the delicate tissues on the tooth’s surface.
  3. Reinsert the tooth if possible: If the fallen tooth is clean, attempt to place it back into its socket. However, avoid forcing it into place. Use your fingers or bite down softly to push the tooth into the socket and hold it in position.
  4. Store the tooth properly: If reinsertion is not possible, store the tooth appropriately until you can get to a dentist. Place the tooth in a sealed container and fully submerge it in milk or a saline solution. Both milk and saline help preserve the tooth and maintain its viability until professional assistance is available. Alternatively, if these options are not accessible, you may carefully tuck the tooth under your tongue, making sure not to swallow it.
  5. Contact Your Stanford emergency dentist immediately: Time plays a critical role in the successful preservation or reattachment of the tooth. Thus, it is advisable to visit a Stanford emergency dental office near you as soon as possible, ideally within the first 1-2 hours following the incident.
  6. Dentist intervention: The dentist will make every effort to reinsert the tooth into its socket or bond any broken fragments back into place. They will assess the condition of the tooth and surrounding tissues to determine the most suitable course of action. In cases involving nerve damage, endodontic treatment (root canal therapy) might be necessary to save the tooth.
  7. Tooth knocked out of position: If a tooth has been forcefully moved from its original position but is not fully dislodged, it is crucial to seek dental attention within 24 hours. The longer the tooth remains out of position, the more difficult it becomes to reposition it successfully.

What will Palo Alto dentists do if a tooth falls out?

If re-implantation of the fallen tooth is impossible, there are other potential tooth replacement options that Palo Alto dentists may recommend:

Removable partial denture

A removable partial denture (RPD) is a prosthetic device that can be easily taken in and out of your mouth. It serves to replace a missing tooth and is often the most cost-effective solution. This denture is custom-made to fit your mouth and restore your ability to speak or chew properly.


A dental bridge is a suitable option when a tooth is missing. The dentist can bridge the gap by placing a false tooth, made typically of porcelain, in an empty space. The bridge is supported by abutment teeth, which are adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. Dental bridges are designed to blend flawlessly with your natural teeth, providing a natural appearance.

Temporary denture

A temporary denture is commonly used when a patient plans to undergo a dental implant procedure in the future. Dental implant procedures can take several months and involve multiple surgical steps. During this waiting period, a temporary denture, sometimes accompanied by a flipper tooth, can be utilized. The flipper tooth is a removable retainer that sits on the roof of the mouth and has a prosthetic tooth attached to it.

Dental implant

Dental implants are among the most common and effective methods of tooth replacement. They are designed to mimic the look and function of natural teeth. They usually consist of a titanium post surgically placed in the jawbone to serve as an artificial tooth root. This post fuses with the bone over time, providing a solid foundation for a prosthetic tooth (crown) to be attached. Dental implants offer an effective and permanent solution for replacing one or multiple missing teeth.

Fallen Tooth? Contact your Palo Alto dentist right away.

When faced with a dental emergency or traumatic injury, schedule an appointment with your Stanford emergency dentist as soon as possible. Dentists are equipped to handle emergencies and provide the necessary treatment. By seeking prompt dental care, you increase the chances of saving your tooth, minimizing complications, and restoring a healthy smile.

5 Benefits of Dental Sealants for Children

Children are the most susceptible to developing tooth decay; this is often due to the types of foods they consume and the absence of a dental regimen. Therefore, as parents, we have a responsibility to guide them right on how to practice good dental hygiene and ensure they receive the best dental care in Palo Alto, CA

In addition to maintaining good dental practices at home, there are plenty of treatments that your youngsters can undergo to help their teeth remain in tip-top shape. Dental sealants are one of them, and your pediatric dentist in Palo Alto will certainly be able to add this preventative measure to your child’s dental cleanup appointment.

What are dental sealants? 

Dental sealants are a non-invasive preventive measure that forms a barrier against cavities. They are usually a plastic material applied on the tooth’s surface, particularly the molars and premolars, filling in some of the deeper crevices that are difficult to clean while maintaining the tooth’s capability. 

Why are dental sealants helpful?

  1. Protection from decay – One of the key benefits of dental sealants for children is their capacity to protect hard-to-reach parts of the mouth. For example, the premolars and molars at the back of the mouth are especially prone to the buildup of food particles and bacteria that causes cavities. By applying dental sealants to these areas, a barrier is created that prevents debris and bacteria from reaching the tooth enamel; hence causing decay.

In fact, research comparing school-aged kids (6–11 years old) with and without dental sealants found that kids without sealants had a higher likelihood of developing cavities than their counterparts who did.

2. Safe and non-toxic – Some parents are hesitant to use dental sealants on their children. However, dental sealants are made from a non-toxic plastic material entirely devoid of harmful chemicals. This makes them safe for children and even pregnant women. 

Remember, tooth decay and other gum diseases often begin early in life; thus, applying sealants is an ideal option for young ones who might not have adopted a comprehensive oral care routine yet. 

3. Quick and easy application process – For most kids, the thought of visiting the dentist’s office could be uncomfortable. Fortunately, the sealant procedure is easy, quick, and painless, so your child should not be afraid. The dentist will meticulously clean and dry the teeth before applying a specific solution to roughen the teeth’s surface in order to increase adhesion. After cleaning and drying again, the sealant is applied onto the molar and premolars and hardened with a light. 

The entire sealant application procedure will take a few minutes, and your child can return to their regular activities immediately. Actually, the process is quick and simple enough to be finished during a routine dental examination, saving both you and your child a lot of time and worry.

4. Dental sealants are quite long-lasting – The sealants the dentist will apply to your children’s teeth will provide them with protection for up to ten years. That said, the best Palo Alto dentists recommend replacing your children’s sealants at least every two to four years. Also, how long sealants last depend on various factors, such as your kid’s diet, oral hygiene, and overall care. 

To lengthen the lifespan of your kid’s sealants, you can encourage healthy oral habits like brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Most importantly, ensure your child does not chew on things such as ice cubes or hard candy. These can make the dental sealants wear down faster.   

5. Helps reduce your children’s dental costs – As we mentioned, sealants prevent cavities and tooth decay. This lessens the need for dental treatment, which can, at times, be expensive. 

Picture this; at least 3 million cavities can be avoided if 7 million children have dental sealants, saving around $300 million in dental care expenses. Again, when you take into account the money required for tooth repair, it’s evident that the cost-saving advantages of dental sealants can only get greater over time.

Not having to lose sleep over the future of your children’s dental health situation is priceless. It can ease your financial stress and other miseries that come with a sick child.  

Seal it up! Schedule an appointment today

Children’s dental sealants can be a powerful cavity-prevention tool. If you are concerned about your child’s oral health, you will find sealants to be a cost-effective alternative to frequent tooth repairs and fillings. The fact that they last longer and are also non-invasive and painless cannot make them a no-brainer! So, by scheduling regular dental checkups and considering using sealants, you can work with your Palo Alto dentist to maintain your child’s optimal dental health and minimize future dental problems.

Which Dental Fillings are Best for Tooth Decay?

Which Dental Fillings are Best for Tooth Decay? Palo Alto Dentists

Advances in dental care and hygiene notwithstanding, tooth decay or cavity remains an issue for many Americans. Actually, 26% of adults in the U.S have untreated tooth decay. If not treated on time, tooth decay can lead to more severe dental health issues, including failing and abscessed teeth. This is why it’s vital to visit a Palo Alto dentist regularly so that they check for symptoms of tooth decay.




Dental fillings to treat tooth decay

If you have cavities, your dentist may advise you to have a dental filling done. A filling is a procedure that involves using some combination of materials to restore a tooth’s functional integrity. In other words, this dental procedure strengthens a damaged or decayed tooth by filling it with specific materials.

There are different types of dental filling. A tooth can be filled by composite, amalgam, gold, ceramic, and glass ionomer fillings. The right type of filling will depend on factors such as:


  • Dentist’s recommendation
  • The extent of the repair needed
  • The location of the cavity
  • Your budget/cost of the procedure

Let us explore in detail what each of the above fillings entails.


What type of dental filling is best? 

Amalgam fillings

They are also referred to as silver fillings, despite the fact that they contain more metals than just silver. Usually, they are a mixture or amalgam of silver, tin alloy, and copper, as well as elemental mercury. Dentists have used amalgam fillings for decades. This is mainly because they continue to be the least costly filling type and also one of the most durable.

According to a 2016 study, the average age of an amalgam filling is around 15 years. Another 2008 study placed the survival rate of amalgam dental fillings offered by private practices anywhere from 7.1 to 44.7 years.

Composite filling 

Composite fillings are made from a mixture of resin and acrylic that is carefully applied to the cavity while soft but later hardened by the LED light. It’s a popular choice since it can be color-matched to the shade of the patient’s existing teeth, making them almost indistinguishable. That said, composite fillings don’t last as long as Amalgam fillings. According to a 2014 study, these fillings can last around ten years.

Note: the material used to make composite filling is also used to fill in small gaps between teeth and repair chipped teeth.

Gold fillings 

Gold fillings, as you may expect, are more expensive than composite or amalgam restorations. They are, however, more durable. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), gold fillings can last about 20 years.


Ceramic fillings have a natural look that resembles composite fillings. One main advantage of ceramic is its long lifespan. However, ceramic fillings are usually limited to large cavities as they can be difficult to fit well into small spaces without fragmenting. In terms of costs, ceramic is more expensive than composite.

Glass ionomer fillings

Glass ionomer fillings are made from a mixture of acrylic and fluoroaluminosilicate glass and are ideal for young ones whose teeth are still changing. Glass ionomer fillings release fluoride, which helps to prevent teeth from future decay. That said, they only last a few years, as they are considerably weaker than composite and more likely to wear or tear.


Steps involved in filling a tooth


  1. Examination and treatment plan

Your Palo Alto dentist examines the level of cavity or decay by looking at your teeth. If your dentist believes that the cavity might be deeper, a tiny X-Ray might be conducted to examine that specific tooth. Also, a panoramic X-Ray might be required to check the prognoses of all teeth. Dental fillings are perfect for fractures and minor decay, but your dentist will advise you accordingly.


  1. Removal of tooth cavity 

In case the cavity is deep, your dentist may administer anesthesia to numb the area before they start getting rid of the decay. For the majority of cases, the treatment is performed on the surface and doesn’t require local anesthesia.

The damaged or decayed tooth is prepared using a drilling handpiece. The entire section is cleaned and decontaminated to eliminate lingering bacteria or debris.


  1. Tooth filling and polishing

The filling material is carefully applied to fill the cavity. The finished tooth is polished and any excess material is trimmed off.


Caring for your teeth with fillings 

To maintain your dental fillings, follow good oral hygiene practices such as:


  • Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing at least two times per day
  • Visiting your dentist bi-annually for cleanings

Contact your dentist immediately if:


  • You feel a sharp edge
  • Your teeth are exceedingly sensitive
  • If you notice a missing piece of a filling
  • If you see a crack in a filling,


Visit the best family dentist in Palo Alto for the best advice on fillings

Cavities, if not treated properly, can lead to tooth loss. Dental fillings exist to prevent worse damage from occurring. Your Palo Alto dentist is best positioned to advise you on the best filling type whenever you need a tooth restored. Schedule an appointment today!

At Blue Turtle Dental, most of our patients prefer the composite filling. While traditional fillings are made of metal mixtures, having a mouth full of silver or gold can leave patients dissatisfied with their appearance. White fillings protect the tooth against further decay while also maintaining a natural look.

Learn more about the restorative dental services we provide at Blue Turtle Dental or schedule a consultation with one of our highly proficient dental teams.


How Dental Visits Reduce Risks of Oral Cancer

How Dental Visits Reduce Risks of Oral Cancer_Redwood City Dentists

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Early detection considerably increases long-term survival and underscores the importance of routine oral cancer screening. Every dental appointment is your chance to get screened.

The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be around 54,000 new cases and 11,230 deaths in 2022 because of oropharyngeal cancer and oral cavity.

Oral cancer includes cancers of the tongue, lips, throat, minor salivary glands, the floor of your mouth, and gums. Men are more prone to oral cancer than women, making it the 6th most prevalent cancer among men. If not detected and treated early, oral cancer can be life-threatening. That’s why many general dentists in Palo Alto take advantage of routine visits and dental appointments to check for signs of cancer.


Signs and symptoms of oral cancer 

Oral cancer often appears as a sore or growth that doesn’t go away. For instance, you may have recurring sores on your mouth, neck, or face that bleed easily and don’t heal as quickly as they are supposed to.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, other typical symptoms of oral cancer include:


  • Unexplained bleeding in your mouth
  • Bumps or lumps, rough spots/eroded areas in your gums, lips, or other parts inside your mouth
  • Speckled white-and-red patches in your mouth
  • Soreness or a strange feeling that something is stuck in the back of your throat
  • Unexplained numbness or pain in any area of your mouth, face, or neck.
  • Chronic sore throat, voice changes, or hoarseness
  • Difficulty speaking, chewing, swallowing, or moving your tongue or jaw
  • Changes in your bite
  • Ear pain
  • Dramatic weight loss


What happens during oral cancer screening? 

Oral cancer screening covers your oral cavity and related tissues, which can be in the sinuses, throat, pharynx, and larynx. Screening can reassure you that there are no abnormalities or trigger early treatment.

The phrase “oral cancer screening” and “mouth cancer screening” are used interchangeably, as you may hear from your Palo Alto dentist. Screening is divided into two parts – a visual exam and a physical exam. Let’s dive in!

Visual examination 

During a visual examination, your dentist will advise you to remove dentures or other removable dental devices you may have. This ensures your entire mouth is accessible. Your dentist will be looking for asymmetries, bumps, swellings, ulcerations, patches of color, or other abnormalities. They may also observe your face, lips, jaw, cheeks, neck, and inside of your nose.

Your top dentist Palo Alto will use a light and a mirror to examine the inside of your mouth. Additionally, they employ a tongue depressor to hold your tongue down and examine the back of your mouth. And, as you may recall from your childhood physical, your dentist will request you to stick your tongue out and say, “Ahh.” These reveals areas of your throat that would otherwise be difficult to see.

Physical examination 

Aside from a visual examination, your dentist will touch your face, neck, and mouth to feel for strange masses and nodules. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation (OCF), touch is necessary for dentists to detect any cancer-causing anomalies in your mouth. In other words, a tactile examination helps your dentist quickly locate any hard tissues and lumps in the mouth. Signs of oral cancer are usually painless in the early stages, hence more reasons for dentists to screen for it regularly.

If your dentist discovers an oral cancer-like symptom, they might recommend further testing to establish clearly what that symptom means. Remember, results that require further assessment are not necessarily an indication of a cancer diagnosis. However, if the tests confirm the presence of oral cancer, early treatment is highly advised.

Oral cancer screening is not only a visual or physical examination. It’s a golden chance for you to discuss your anxieties and concerns regarding oral cancer. Come prepared with questions and seek guidance on lifestyle adjustments. It’s not unusual to be edgy regarding the possibility of oral cancer but going regularly for this screening will help put your mind at ease.


How often should you go for oral cancer screening? 

Experts have different opinions on how frequently people should be screened for mouth cancer. However, dentists recommend that all adults be screened every six months.

Even people who maintain a healthy lifestyle may develop oral cancer. We advise patients not to brush aside the possibility of oral cancer and be diligent about scheduling careening.

Lastly, some people need more frequent screenings. If you have risk factors for cancer, it is advisable to get screened even more frequently than twice per year. Top risk factors, as explained by the American Cancer Society, include:


  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Tobacco use
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
  • A history of oral cancer


Other tips for preventing oral cancer, besides dental visits


  1. Maintain proper oral hygiene – Brush your teeth twice daily
  2. Quit tobacco products – Cease using cigars, cigarettes, or chewing any tobacco products.
  3. Eat a healthy and balanced diet – Whole, nutrient-dense foods ensure your body functions optimally.
  4. Prevent HPV – Get vaccinated for HPV and practice safe sex
  5. Limit sun exposure – Wear sunscreen to protect your face


Make an appointment with your dentist today

Do you think you might be exhibiting oral cancer-like symptoms? Or do you just want to learn more about how to prevent oral cancer? Schedule an appointment with your general dentist in Palo Alto today.

Why Should You Schedule Regular Dental Checkups?

Why Should You Schedule Regular Dental Checkups_Palo Alto Dentists

It is always a good idea to pay attention to your oral health and give it the care it deserves. And there’s no better way to start prioritizing your teeth than by scheduling an appointment with your local Palo Alto dentist!

Dental hygiene is an essential part of your overall health hygiene. With a dental exam and cleaning in Palo Alto, you can keep your pearly whites sparkling and prevent long-term infections or diseases. During a dental exam, your dentist can spot dental problems early on when solutions are simpler and more affordable. Regular dental checkups can also prevent problems from developing in the first place. Finally, a dentist would be able to spot symptoms of other systemic diseases that can appear in the mouth.

So, no matter how busy you are and how jam-packed your schedule is, you should always try to squeeze your annual dental cleaning appointment into your schedule. The benefits extend to a lot more than just maintaining a beautiful smile.

This article takes a deeper look at the reasons why dental cleanings are essential for your oral and overall health. But first, let us take a glance at what dental checkups and cleaning in Palo Alto entail.


What is Dental Cleaning?

Getting dental cleaning done on an annual or bi-annual basis is essential for optimum oral health. When you visit your dentist for your dental cleaning, they will initiate the cleaning process by first doing a dental exam to identify irregularities, cavities, inflammation, or any other potential concerns that might be present. Next, your dentist or a dental hygienist will remove any tartar or plaque on your teeth and gums with the use of metal hand instruments or ultrasonic scalers. After the scaling process is complete, your teeth will be polished to further remove any remaining plaques or stains. A fluoride treatment is then applied to your teeth, marking the end of your dental cleaning process. However, if your teeth and gum demand extra attention, your dentist might add a few other steps too, such as an x-ray and discuss treatment options with you!

Let’s now look at how dental checkups help you maintain good oral hygiene and health.


Identify Dental & Systemic Problems at an Early Stage

Getting dental exams on a regular basis is a critical part of preventive health care. While conducting the exam, your dentist will initiate the procedure by examining your teeth and gums to check for signs of gum diseases or cavities that might be present.

Next, your dentist will check your mouth, face and neck to see if there are any other abnormalities present that might be a risk to your oral or overall health. In addition to manually checking your face, neck, and mouth for abnormalities, your dentist may also schedule you for an X-ray, radiographs, or other diagnostic procedures to carry out a thorough examination. Getting these exams done regularly can help your dentist spot early symptoms and signs of systemic diseases, including cancer, lupus, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.


Prevent Dental Problems from Occurring

While proper brushing and flossing form the cornerstone of good dental care, professional cleaning is essential to get rid of plaque and tartar.  Plaque is a sticky coating that forms on your teeth from a buildup of bacteria. Plaques eventually hardens into tartar if not properly removed. Dentists spot and remove plaque and tartar with the use of professional equipment and techniques. Ignoring the problem itself can be risky for the long-term health of your gums and teeth as plaque contains bacteria that can lead to gum disease . Therefore visiting a dentist for plaque or tartar removal is highly advisable.


Maintain Good Periodontal Health

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a bacterial infection in your gums, when left untreated, can lead to destruction of the tissue surrounding your gums and can result in loss of tooth and other serious complications.

During your annual checkup and cleaning, if your dentist spots early onset of gum disease, they may perform deep cleaning to go below your gum line and clean away calcified tartar and plaque from around and below the affected teeth. If your gum disease has advanced to periodontitis, your dentist may recommend tissue and bone graft to treat the disease.

Certain groups, such as diabetics are more prone to periodontitis.  Treating periodontitis may help manage your diabetes better. Conversely, periodontitis has been linked to the prevalence of multiple systemic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal and colorectal cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory tract infections, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

So, we recommend that you opt for preventive dental services, and keep periodontitis and associated systemic diseases at bay.


Final Thoughts

Looking forward to a lifetime of beautiful smiles and oral health? Through regular teeth cleaning in Palo Alto, you can have both! One of the keys to a healthy and happy mouth that is free of any ailments or health risks is to get regular professional dental cleaning done. In addition to this, it is vital that you remember to take care of your teeth and gums through daily brushing and flossing.

Located in Palo Alto, California, Blue Turtle Dental is led by our highly qualified Palo Alto dentists Dr Alex Yen, Dr Munnazah Hussain, and Dr Jessica Sheu. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how preventative dental care can help preserve your dental and overall health. You can direct any concerns you may have, and we will be happy to help you find a dental solution that suits your health & budgetary needs!

Article resources:
Information in this article has been gathered from multiple public health sources, including:



How does the food we eat affect your dental health?

How Does the Food We Eat Affect Your Dental Health_Redwood City Dentists

Having a proper diet is not only crucial to your general well-being but also your dental health.

The human body is an intricate machine that works best when provided with proper nutrition, and that includes your teeth and gums!

Did you know that certain minerals and vitamins can protect your teeth from gum disease and tooth decay while some foods may cause yellowing or discoloration of the teeth?

Keep reading to find out how diet influences oral health and what type of foods you should eat to maintain a healthy smile.


Starchy carbohydrates

One of the most prevalent oral health diseases caused by diet is tooth decay. According to Mayo Clinic, tooth decay occurs due to several reasons, including bacteria in your mouth, not cleaning your teeth well, frequent snacking, and eating processed and starchy food, such as white bread, crackers, and pasta.

Starchy carbs and sugars from food combine with bacteria in your mouth to form acid. This acid erodes your tooth enamel, causing cavities or holes in your teeth. If left untreated, cavities can cause bad breath, tooth pain, tooth abscess, to mention a few.

Eating calcium and phosphorus-rich foods can help remineralize and maintain healthy tooth enamel. In addition, opt for whole grains instead of starchy carbs, as the former are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for your teeth.


Acidic and sugary foods

Acidic foods can cause cavities and other oral problems like canker sores. Foods high in acid include citrus fruits, such as lemons, grapefruit, and oranges. Though rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, they can erode the enamel of your teeth. So limit your teeth’s exposure to these foods.

In addition, foods that contain added sugar play a role in the development of cavities. Sugar interacts with the bacteria in the mouth to become acidic. Foods high in added sugar include cakes, sugary drinks, candy, and cookies.

Although raisins and other dried fruits are considered healthy, they can also contain high amounts of sugar. What’s more, dried fruits are sticky and might get stuck between your teeth and lead to build up of plaque.

Make sure you brush your teeth well and floss twice a day to keep your teeth clean and cavities away.


Snacking and dental health 

It is best to avoid frequent snacking in between meals. Snacking usually becomes an oral problem if you consume unhealthy snacks, such as sugary drinks, candy, and chips. These are foods that are rich in unnecessary sugar. As we know, bacteria in your mouth feeds on the sugars in your diet to make acids that wear down the enamel (the outermost layer of the teeth). Snacking often increases the chances of formation of acids that can wear down the enamel repeatedly.

So, if you must have snacks, go for the nutritious ones, especially the ones that are less starchy and with less added sugar.


Drinks and beverages 

The same rules apply to drinks and beverages as they do for solid foods. For example, lemonade, although a popular drink, is acidic and usually contains sugar. Another drink that is acidic and contains high amounts of sugar is soda.

So, what drinks can one classify as non-harmful? Always go for drinks that are low in added sugar and are non-acidic. Also, water with fluoride is highly recommended. Why? Water washes out food particles stuck between the teeth. Most importantly, it hydrates your mouth, producing saliva to neutralize bacteria and acids.


Foods for better dental health

Lean meats, nuts, cheese, and milk are all high in phosphorus and calcium, which are all essential for strong teeth and gums. People who cannot consume milk products due to lactose intolerance can opt for green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, also high in calcium.

Other foods good for your oral health include crunchy and firm fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, pears, and apples. Eating such foods helps to create more saliva in the mouth. This aids in washing away food particles from the crevices in your gums, teeth, and tongue.

Vegetables and fruits are also high in water content. Usually, water neutralizes any sugars that can turn into acid, which damages your teeth.

Lastly, be careful of drinks such as coffee, tea, balsamic vinegar, fruit juices, beetroot, soy sauce, dark cola, red wine, and tomato-based sauces as they can stain your teeth. They contain pigments known as chromogens. Chromogens usually attach to and stain the enamel.


Summary: Reducing the risk of oral diseases caused by an unhealthy diet 


  • Brush your teeth twice a day to remove food particles and sugars from your mouth
  • Keep added sugar in your meals to a minimum by making healthy food and beverage choices.
  • Limit between-meal snacking
  • Include dairy, water, and plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet – they all play a significant role in your dental health.


Eating a healthy diet and regularly seeing the best dentist in Palo Alto, is a recipe for success!

Everything you eat, including your favorites, affects your teeth, which is why it’s crucial to visit one of the top Palo Alto dentists near you on a regular basis. Dentists are the only medical professionals who have the knowledge to address your dental health care needs.

Following a comprehensive oral examination, your dentist can recommend dietary changes to address any concerns. Schedule an appointment with your Palo Alto dentist today, and see the difference.

Article resources:
Information in this article has been gathered from multiple public health sources, including:



How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy for the Holidays

How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy for the Holidays_Palo Alto Dentists

The holiday season is here. Twinkling Christmas lights light up the night sky. Seasonal songs greet us everywhere we go. Mailboxes are flooded with sales offers.

For most people, it provides an opportune time to meet families and friends and share gifts. We play games, laugh, maybe argue a bit, but there is always plenty of food to eat. Family buffets are brimming with sweets and casseroles and meats and treats.

When you see a blueberry cobbler or a fresh-baked apple pie, you are possibly thinking more about your taste buds rather than your oral health. However, it is prudent to think about your oral health during the holidays!

Below are some tips to keep your teeth healthier this holiday season.


Avoid gummy, chewy, sugary foods. 

Overindulgence is likely to happen during the holidays, but be selective. It’s easy to overdo certain snacks that can destroy our teeth.

Avoid or limit the following treats during this holiday season:


  • Candy canes and other sour or chewy foods
  • Crisps – these starchy treats can create acid in your mouth
  • Ice – Chewing ice can cause enamel to break down.
  • Carbonated drinks – Opt for a glass of water instead of Coca-Cola.
  • Dried fruit – This contains far more sugar than you may think

In other words, choose items that aren’t bad for your teeth, such as sprouts, vegetables, and fruits. Turkey is another fantastic holiday food option since it contains nutrients good for your teeth, such as phosphorus.

If you must eat biscuits this holiday season, try gingerbread, which contains less sugar than many other variations!

When it comes to beverages, opt for clear liquids. Red wine is known for discoloring your teeth and usually makes them feel sticky. Well, if you can’t avoid wine, try nibbling on cheese at the same time. The alkaline in the cheese usually balances your mouth’s PH level.


Up your dental health game 

Do you always forget to brush or floss your teeth after a long night out? This is not the time to relax your oral health standards. Take some floss and toothbrush out with you, if necessary. This way, you’ll remember to brush your teeth right after a heavy meal or drink session.

Note: You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes and floss twice daily. This will spare you from costly dental bills after the holiday season. And if that has not persuaded you enough, try to think of how many more years of great Christmas gatherings and delicious foods you’ll be able to enjoy if you keep your teeth in good shape!


Drink plenty of water daily

The daily amount of water nutritionists recommend to drink is 11.5 cups for women and 15.5 for men.

Instead of binging on alcohol and consuming large amounts of treats during the holidays, learn to drink water in between. This special liquid can make a significant difference to your oral health. Water, especially fluoridated water, prevents tooth decay and cavities.

It is highly advisable to drink water after eating. Usually, this helps get rid of bacteria left in the mouth. It also dilutes the acid from alcohol.

The last benefit of water is its unique ability to fill you up without adding calories. If you’re still hungry after dinner and considering having seconds, drink a glass of water instead. It’s beneficial to your waistline and teeth!


Don’t open gifts with your teeth.

This may seem obvious, but when an impatient kid hands you a toy, tightly sealed in teflon-strength wrapping, your instinct is to rip it open. Resist that temptation and grab a pair of scissors.

Teeth are handy in doing many things, such as chewing and enunciating. However, they do not make good cutting tools. Using your teeth to open packages and bottles erodes the enamel and weakens the edges of your teeth. This leads to tooth breakage and cracking and probably expensive cosmetic dental work.


Schedule your post-holiday dental check-up now

It is advisable to schedule a post-holiday dental cleaning and check-up before the holidays start. Note down your appointments somewhere, as this can easily slip your mind when juggling cooking, house cleaning, seeing family, and shopping.

Generally, there is an excessive demand for dental visits during the holidays and right after; thus, booking in advance ensures you reserve a convenient appointment time. The sooner you can go for a dental cleaning and check-up, the less time your holiday indulgences will negatively impact your oral teeth.


Holiday dental care is very important. 

When it comes to holiday dental care, prevention is definitely better than treatment. Developing a dental care routine is the most practical way to preserve your teeth this holiday season.

At Blue Turtle Dental, our team of dentists in Palo Alto offers the ultimate dental experience. You can relax with Netflix or connect to your preferred electronic device with our Bluetooth compatible headphones. Come in to experience the luxury and walk out with a smile only the best technology can give you!

Article resources:
Information in this article has been gathered from multiple public health sources, including:

Why Do Dentists Recommend Regular Dental Check-ups For Adults?

Why Do Dentists Recommend Regular Dental Check-ups For Adults_Redwood City Dentists

You brush twice a day, floss regularly, and use a dental rinse as recommended. So, do you still have to keep up with your dental checkups and cleaning in Palo Alto?

The quick answer is yes. It all boils down to prevention.

The mouth, according to the American Dental Association, is considered the window to your overall health. Gum disease has been linked to other ailments such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, to name a few.


How frequently should you have dental checkups and cleaning in Palo Alto?

A visit every six months is the standard recommendation for the average dental patient. However, this is dependent on several factors, and your dentist will usually advise you on how frequently you should visit.

An annual visit may be adequate for low-risk persons who maintain a decent daily oral hygiene program. On the other hand, those with underlying medical issues may need to visit more frequently, especially if they wish to keep up with their preventive dental regimen.

Below are some conditions that may necessitate more regular dental checkups:


  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Periodontal (gum) disease

Also, anyone with a weakened immune system as a result of a chronic illness is advised by dentists to schedule frequent visits.


Benefits of regular dental check-ups and cleanings in Palo Alto

Frequent dental visits for examination and cleaning play a key role in oral healthcare, as we will see below:


  1. Keep cavity, plaque, and tartar off your teeth 

Frequent dental cleanings prevent tartar from damaging your teeth, which is how cavities are formed. Most of the time, cavities do not show any early symptoms as they develop. Most of the time, the only symptom you might experience is a minor ache when the tooth is already decayed.

Unfortunately, once that happens, you will need to visit the dentist to have the cavities filled. All of this can be avoided with frequent check-ups and cleanings that take care of cavities and tartar before they become destructive.


  1. Gum disease check 

Besides causing tooth decay, plaque and tartar also harm the mouth gum tissues. Usually, tartar buildup causes an infection on the gums. This form of infection is known as gingivitis, and as it spreads, the gums tissues break down and pull away from the tooth. At this point, you may notice some soreness, bleeding, and swelling in your mouth.

Even worse, gum disease causes deterioration of the bone that keeps the teeth in place. Here, it is not surprising to see your teeth loosening and falling out, necessitating the use of advanced treatment methods by the dentist.

As you might guess, this results in several appointments, which eventually cost you a lot of money. Your money and time can be saved through regular check-ups as suggested by your Palo Alto dentist.


  1. Keeping bad dental habits in check

Some unhealthy habits can cause dental problems. We are talking about habits such as biting your nails, grinding your teeth, brushing your teeth too hard, smoking, chewing ice, clenching your jaw, and eating particularly sticky sweets. All these can be noticed during a dental check-up, and your dentist will advise you accordingly. 


  1. Oral cancer detection

During a periodical check-up, your dentist will examine the tongue, throat, neck, and mouth areas for any potential anomalies to ascertain whether you are a risk for oral cancer.

Data from the Oral Cancer Foundation shows that one person succumbs to oral cancer every hour of the day in America. Early detection through regular dental check-ups can go a long way for the 54,000 patients diagnosed every year.


  1. Dentists can provide advice, specific to your needs

Usually, when people have medical-related issues, they turn to the internet, a platform that is full of helpful information but also half-truths. Fortunately, top dentists in Palo Alto are qualified in their profession; hence, they can provide guidance and advice you can trust.

By paying your dentist regular visits, you can build a beneficial relationship that will help them tailor support and advice, specific to your oral needs.


What to do between each dental visit

Be sure to look after your teeth between dental visits. Here are some helpful tips for maintaining good oral hygiene at home:


  • Drink fluoridated water and brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily
  • Cut down on your sugar intake. Sugar increases bacteria growth in the mouth which eventually results in plaque.
  • Don’t use tobacco products
  • Limit alcoholic drinks


So are dental check-ups and cleaning in Palo Alto worth the effort? 

During your regular dental check-ups and cleaning in Palo Alto, the dentists are concerned with more than just tooth repair, as some may think. They clean your teeth properly, examine for irregularities that could otherwise go missed and could be a symptom of broader health issues, and ensure that your gums and teeth are healthy.

Thus, you’ll be doing yourself a big favor in the long term if you stay up with regular dental cleanings and check-ups as advised by the dentist.

Article resources:
Information in this article has been gathered from multiple public health sources, including:

Need a Dentist Urgently? Contact Emergency Dental Care in Palo Alto

Need a Dentist Urgently Contact Emergency Dental Care in Palo Alto_Palo Alto Dentists

Regardless of how much care you take of your teeth, accidents still occur. These unforeseen situations usually referred to as dental emergencies, require you to seek out emergency dental services in Palo Alto.  They need to be handled by an emergency dentist as any delays can result in permanent damage or force you to undergo more complicated and expensive treatment procedures later on.


Signs you need dental emergency care

Below are some examples that qualify a trip to an emergency dentist in Palo Alto:


  • Fracture or Broken teeth
  • A painful toothache that won’t go away
  • Knocked out permanent teeth
  • Chronic jaw pain
  • Unusual swelling
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth abscess
  • Something is stuck between your teeth

If you are unsure whether what you are going through is a dental emergency, contact a dentist and ask. When it comes to dental health, it’s best to be safe than sorry.


Steps to take if you experience a dental emergency

From fractures to knockout, you have some time to manage the situation until you see the dentist. Here are general steps you can follow as you wait for treatment.


  1. Breathe deeply and assess the situation. If you are in a position to see your mouth or teeth, try and assess the situation without panicking. Did your tooth crack or fall out? If your tooth fell out, follow the next step.


  1. Store your tooth safely. Try to salvage your knocked tooth and store it somewhere safe. Don’t forget to carry it with you when going to the dentist’s office.


  1. Contact a dentist. Quickly search for the best emergency dentists in Palo Alto and give them a call. Set an appointment so that you can be examined and treated. During the call, explain as comprehensively as possible what transpired and what you think the issue is. The dentist will guide you on what to do next. Usually, the dentist’s instructions help you better prepare for the visit.


Going to the hospital vs. dentist for your dental emergency

Dental emergencies, like other medical emergencies, call for varying levels of care based on their seriousness. Where you go for treatment depends on the kind of dental emergency you have.

When to go to the hospital 

Emergencies involving the mouth and face that call for urgent medical attention include jaw dislocations, jaw fractures, abscess, an infection that affects your swallowing or breathing, serious lacerations or cuts to the mouth, etc. These are situations where you would want to go to a hospital ER directly.

When to see a dentist 

Some emergencies that are not life-threatening, per se, but still might need immediate care. If you get a permanent tooth knocked out, or break or crack your tooth, unless it is bleeding a lot, you can visit a dentist’s office.


How to avoid dental emergencies  

There are several things you can do to avoid the kinds of injuries we have discussed above. Do the following to ensure your teeth remain in top shape:

Practice daily dental hygiene 

Brushing and flossing frequently are crucial for oral health. Bacteria in the mouth can blend with food debris, eventually causing gum disease or tooth decay. Gum disease can potentially result in a visit to the emergency dentist.

Watch what you eat

You possibly grew up hearing that crackers, candies, starchy and sugary foods are not that good for your teeth. Soda, fruit juice, and coffee are all drinks you should drink sparingly. Sticky meals usually get stuck between your teeth and may be difficult to remove. Hard, crunchy snacks can damage your teeth, especially if you bite hard on them, resulting in a dental emergency. Thus, avoid sugary and very hard or chewy foods.

Wear a mouthguard 

Mouthguards are very helpful, particularly if you play contact sports or participate in recreational activities where the possibility of dental injuries is higher.


Sealants are generally provided as preventive care for kids; however, they are great for adults as well. Dental sealants are transparent, plastic resin coatings that even out the chewing surfaces of the molars. So, why would a dentist want to use sealants to smoothen or even out your molars? Food debris usually gets stuck in the grooves of the molars and could transform into plaque left untreated.

Schedule regular dental checkups

Frequent dental checkups help you to spot problems before they develop into a dental emergency.  Although some people only need dental examinations once per year, creating a bespoke plan with your Palo Alto dentist is encouraged. A dentist can make recommendations depending on your age, medical history, and health goals. For instance, people with gum disease may require more regular visits.


Never wait to see your dentist

No one wishes to make unplanned visits to the dentist; however, don’t wait to get the help you need if an emergency happens. Emergency dentists in Palo Alto are always ready to assist!

Article resources:
Information in this article has been gathered from multiple public health sources, including:

Follow These Tips for a Great Back-to-School Dental Checkup

Follow These Tips for a Great Back-to-School Dental Checkup_Santa Clara Dentists

The back-to-school season is fraught with excitement and anxiety. Children and parents go through a flurry of emotions, and it is easy for them to lose sight of vital practices like booking a dental checkup.

We get it. So, let’s offer some advice on why and how you should go about preparing your kid for a back-to-school dental checkup in Palo Alto.


Why visiting a pediatric dentist before school begins is crucial.

Your kids may be ready for the looming school year in terms of clothes, school supplies, and sports equipment; however, do they have a healthy mouth or things needed to maintain it?

Scheduling a back-to-school dental checkup and cleaning in Palo Alto is vital for the following reasons:


  1. Dental problems are one of the biggest reasons kids miss school, eventually leading to decreased academic performance. Therefore, scheduling a back-to-school checkup is essential in fighting cavities (the most common chronic disease found in school-going kids) and preventing school absences.
  2. The best pediatric dentists in Palo Alto are able to detect problems early. Early detection helps avert pain and gum infections. It also means less costly treatments.
  3. It can prevent tooth damage, loss, and other dental emergencies. Usually, dental injures are one of the major causes of tooth loss and damage. Your Palo Alto dentist can provide a personalized sports mouthguard that will offer greater protection for your kid’s pearly whites.
  4. Poor dental health can affect your kid’s overall health. There is always a direct correlation between oral infection, obesity, and asthma. Thus, booking a back-to-school dental checkup is important for your little one’s well-being.
  5. Some schools require a pediatric dentist’s signature verifying your kid has a clean bill of oral health.


Back-to-school dental checkup tips you should follow.   

As mentioned above, early detection and prevention have always been the secret to avoiding dental problems. Therefore, as a parent, you have to strive for a great back-to-school dental checkup for your kid. Here are tips to achieve that:

Plan for dental checkups early enough 

To have a seamless back-to-school dental checkup and cleaning in Palo Alto, ensure you plan early enough. Well, there is so much that goes on during the summer – camping, vacations, visiting friends and family, to name a few. But, always plan dental appointments in advance to avoid the last-minute rush.

Unfortunately, many parents visit dental offices a week before school opening. As a result, kids end up frustrated by the long queues and endless commotion. Some even miss the chance of seeing the dentist as this is usually one of the busiest seasons for the dental industry. You wouldn’t want that to happen to your kid, would you?

Teach your children to observe good dental habits 

Whenever a pediatric dentist declares your kids free from dental issues, encourage them to do better.  Remind them to brush and floss at least twice a day.

You can set a timer or download phone applications that encourage your kids to take oral health seriously. Some apps come with motivational tips and music that really help kids get into a great habit. For instance, Brush DJ is one such app and is freely available on iTunes.

Book your kid’s dental appointment at the right time of the day. 

Pick a day where your kid is fully rested. You can choose morning appointments because this is the time your kid is most active. That said, try as much as possible not to disrupt your kid’s daily schedule.

For instance, do not book a dental consultation during their sleeping hours. Also, don’t book an appointment when they had a long, tedious day. Scheduling an appointment at the wrong time can make your kid grumpy.

Even important, ensure your kid is well fed on the appointment day. A hungry kid can be moody throughout the appointment. Thus, grab your child a snack at least an hour before the meeting. But avoid sugary snacks and remember to have them brush before seeing the dentist.

Keep calm and cheer your child on

Encourage your kid throughout the appointment so that they don’t become panicky. Don’t be nervous as your kid might notice and follow suit. Also, let your child ask the dentist any question they have concerning the appointment. Dentists know how to handle tense situations whenever they sense the kid is nervous.

Ask about sealants 

While sealants are not a substitute for teeth brushing and flossing, they can be an ideal way to keep your kid from getting cavities. Administering sealants only take a few minutes and is totally a painless procedure. Besides, most insurance plans cover sealants at 100%!

In summary, there are various ways to ensure a successful back-to-school dental checkup and cleaning in Palo Alto. Taking specific measures in advance goes a long way in improving your kid’s dental health. Some of them, as you might have realized, include observing healthy oral practices. It is also advisable to take the contact details of your pediatric dentist. In the event of specific emergencies, the sports coaches and teachers will know who to call.

Article resources:
Information in this article has been gathered from multiple public health sources, including: